Meeting Notes: March 12th, 2012

Youngstown City Charter Review Commission
Meeting Notes
March 12, 2012
Meeting Began: 5:00 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:39.m.

Present: Jerome Williams (Chair); Scott Schulick (Vice-Chair); Phil Kidd: Leona Crogan: Jacqueline Taylor; Sandra Horton-Teague; William Carter; Thomas Rusback, Michael O’Hara; Nikki Posterli; Glenda House.

·         Jerome Williams (Chair) called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Caucus conference room on the 6th Floor in City Hall.

Topics to be discussed at next meeting:
Ø Section of 83 of Charter—reduction of Wards
Ø Mayor and Council Member (Terms & Salaries)
Ø Editorial (addressing editing changes to the Charter)
Ø Nominations & Elections (elected officials)
Ø Monetary penalty adjustment for members of city council who miss meetings.
Ø What is the structure of City Hall? How does it work?
Ø Identifying other major key concerns/issues regarding changes to the Charter.
Ø Determine which sections will need to be researched vs. being reviewed or edited (lump those that can be edited together for prompt completion).
Ø Dividing commission members into sections for researching sections of concern.

Old Business
ü  Scott Schulick—asks commission members when, where and which businesses would they like to meet (those within the city or outside, those who conduct business or desiring future relations with Youngstown).
ü  William Carter---would like to meet with those who are local and those who have interest in business with the City of Youngstown.
ü  Jerome Williams (Chair)—Informed the commission members that the city does have a listing of contractors. Businesses from this list could be contacted to attend the forum.
ü  Leona Crogan—Asked when do we want meeting to be held and at what times.
ü  Jerome William –suggests that Main Library may be the best place to meet.
ü  Scott Shulick—suggests that business personnel would like to meet during the week and as early as possible.
ü  Jerome Williams (Chair)—suggest sending copies of the charter to those who plan to attend so they are able to review them. Also expresses that all members of the Chamber of Commerce are invited to attend. He will leave everything in the hands of Scott Schulick (Vice-Chair) regarding business meeting, time and place.
ü  Phil Kidd—explains that changes to the printing of the Charter have been made. When the charter is printed it will print as one document (20-25 pgs). Also voter simulation is available at the Incubator.

New Business Agenda due to Public Forums
v  Jerome Williams (Chair) started off the meetings by asking everyone by reading the Charter and explaining that the commission will now determine which sections need to be discussed.

Sections of the Charter that will be discussed by the Charter Commission
Ø  Preamble – should detail the role of the charter review
Ø  Mayor –Terms & Salaries
Ø  Council –should be discussed further (Terms & Salaries)
Ø  President of Council –should be discussed and defined
Ø  Department of Finance—1) when was the last audit done, 2) How much does it cost the city to have an audit done, 3) who does the audit, 4) recommend that an audit be completed after so many years have passed.
Ø  Department of Public Works—Need one department that does everything. (Dept. of Traffic, Streets)
Ø  Department of Police—increasing the Police Chiefs pay and having the public elect the police chief.
Ø  Civil Service—Creation of a Human Resources Dept. & Human Relations Department.
Ø  Recall—reducing the number needed to recall from 5000-1000
Ø  Budget—See if this is able to be completed before January 1 of each year.
Ø  Public Hearings—Online posting. Public not being heard. Public participation should be added to Council Meetings.
Ø  Contracts When Void--- (sinking funds)?
Ø  Interests in Contracts/Supplies---does not define family members.
Ø  Hours of Labor---Taking time off (policies regarding schedules of employees)
Ø  Official Time—Change Date

Meeting adjourned at 6:39 p.m.

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