Meeting Notes: Public Input Meeting #3

Youngstown City Charter Review Commission
Meeting Notes: March 1, 2012
Meeting Began: 5:30 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:55 p.m.

Host of Public Forum: Nikki Posterli and Scott Schulick
# of participants: 18

Present: Jerome Williams, Chair; Phil Kidd; Sandra Horton-Teague; Thomas Rusback

Public Forum at Our Lady of Hungary in Youngstown, Ohio

Special Guest:
v  Councilman Paul Drennan and Councilman Mr. Ray

v  Participants felt that the Charters should have been made available prior to the day of the meetings
v  Participants felt that they should have had more time to review
v  Participants felt that the public should have been more informed of the meetings.
v  Great pace
v  Allowed individuals time to express their concerns
v  Great! Kept participants focused on addressing concerns
v  Participants would like for Charter Commission to keep them updated on progress of changes to Charter through public forums.

Participants concerns regarding Charter

Mayor-Section 4
v  Participants felt that the number of Council members should be reduced and the number of Wards. Reducing the salary of the Mayor due to the reduction in population and revenue that the city is unable to generate. Participant feels that the Salaries of the Mayor and Council should have never been increase especially when there was a decrease in population and in the amount of revenue that the city was unable to generate.
v  Participant feels that Council should have pay reduced and let the Mayor and Council terms be reduced to 2 year terms.
v  Participant feels that the Mayor should be able to serve for unlimited terms. As long as the people continue to elect the Mayor, the Mayor will be should be able to serve.
v  Participant believes that Mayor should serve 4 year terms. After the 4 year terms it should be left up to the people to determine whether or not they would like to elect the Mayor again.

Council-Section 5

v  Participant feels that there should be At Large representation for City Council. Also there should be redistricting. Participant feels that there is no Bicameral representation at the local level. Therefore, with At Large representation every district will be represented.
v  Participant feels that At Large representation would be a conflict. The people would not know who their council person is. This would then lead to corruption
v  Participant feels that cost of city government must be contained. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce council and Wards to 4 since the population has decreased. Today, there could be an East, South, West and North Ward and Council to represent it.
v  Participant feels that President of Council needs to be active like a vice-mayor role and the number of terms should be eliminated.
v  Participant feels that council members should reflect the existing population. Divide the city in 4 equal blocks.

President of Council –Section 6
v  Change the salary of the President of Council. It should be reduced.
v  Salaries of Council needs to be reviewed.
v  Charter needs to set all times of meetings for council to 6:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. so that the public can attend.

 Meeting of Council-Section 7
v  Participant feels that council meetings should be recorded so that the public can see what is taking place and the meeting notes should be available within 3 days. Council needs more transparency.
v  Participant feels that Council meetings hould be more open and there should be at least 15 -20 minutes given for the public to ask questions.
v  Participant feels that the voice of the people has been silenced. Notice has been left to the chair to decide who or when the public will speak. This is placing a limit on the public and restricting them. Public should be able to address council members freely at meetings without advance notice.
 Departmental Officers and Employees-Section 9
v  Participant feels that the City needs an HR. department for employees to go to file complaints. This should not be left up to department heads.
v  Participant feels that there should be greater transparency in the Water department. Explanation of changes needs to be given to the public. Public also needs to be informed of decisions to changes systems or utility prices such as water before the decisions are made.

Ordinances-Section 16
v  Participant feels that the City Website should contain more information regarding City Ordinances.
v  Participant the public is getting the run around when it comes down to getting answers. Needs a customer service person. 
Salary-Section 18-19
v  Participant feels that salaries and responsibilities of city employees needs to be made public. Hiring and firing should be publicized so that the public will know where the money is going and how it is being utilized. Water department has become a dumping ground for hiring. The salary cost too high along with benefits and credit card use by certain personnel. This should be monitored so that people will know what is going on with the money and who is spending it.

Director of Finance-Section 25
v  Participants feel that there is no good explanation of where the money is being utilized within the city within the last 20 years
v  Participant feels that finance reports should be accessible to the public online. Let the public see how the city’s money is being utilized.

Parks and Recreation-Section 28
v  Participant suggests a requirement for council to review cost effective measures and savings for the city before issuing contracts.
v  Participant wanted to know how many parks does the city have? How is it determined?

Department of Health-Section 40
v  If City and County health departments merger it should be included within the Charters.

 Division of Employment-Section 42
v  Participant feels that although this has been repealed the public still needs transparency on this.

Department of Water and Other Public Utilities-Section 43-45
v  Participant feels that non-partisan elections should take place.
v  Participant would like for the water department to show a listing of individuals that are eligible for special programs and the requirements for these programs (transparency).

Nominations & Elections-Section 69
v  Participant feels that the Charter should essentially remove parties and open up the field for other partisans. A more meaningful election, because Youngstown is a one party city.
v  Participant feels that non-partisan candidates would allow for elections to be more meaningful and focus on the issues and less dogma. It would create more viable candidates. For example, you elect a field of 4 top candidates for the primary then, you let them face off then choose the top 2 and have them face off in the general election. This creates two viable candidates for the general election.

The Recall-Section 74
v  Participant feels that the 5000 required signatures that are needed to recall the Mayor should be reduced to 1000.
v  Participant feels that the Charter should be changed based on the City’s population, not every 4 years.

Division of City into Wards-Section 83
v  Participant feels that redistricting is needed. Council needs to be reduced to 4 people and a President of Council. Wards also need to be reduced to 4 Wards.
v  Participant feels that all “may” wording needs to be changed to “must.”
v  Participant feels that Commission should consider re-districting. Forget Wards by numbers and go by population. It is uneven for council to have such uneven populations.

New Departments or Divisions-Section 88
v  Participant feels that it is important for the commission to consider creating a Human Resources Department. Any Human Resources complaints should be handled by the law dept. Complaints within the law department should be handled by the Mayor.
v  Participant feels that there should be a customer service department created.
v  Participant feels that too much duplication is being allowed in City Hall. For example, all supply orders for departments should go through the Mayor’s Office for approval, so that there could be more accountability with how funds are being spent. Department heads should not be allowed to do this.

Budget Estimate-Section 89
v  Participant feels that there should be more audits conducted. Youngstown has been running out of money for the last couple of years then miraculously money appears at the last minute. There should be more transparency.
v  Participant feels that the spending authority needs to be lowered. Department heads should be allowed to spend up to $25,000 without council’s approval.
v  Participant would like to know what are the audit policies and how do you access them?

Public Hearings-Section 90
v  Participant feels that public hearings should be videotaped and posted online
v  Participant feels that during public hearings the information that is provided should be readable and understandable by the public. The public should be able to understand what is being spoken about during these hearings. For example, when talking about a particular issue council should say what issue not use special codes or section numbers. The public has no idea what these codes or numbers mean.

Interest in Contracts or Supplies-Section 113-114
v  Reports that are involved in the bidding & selling of supplies should be accessible by the public. Allowing the public to access this information would ensure that locals and minority groups are fairly represented and included in the bidding.
v  Participant feels that there should be provisions within the Charter that forbid conflicts of interest in bidding. For example relatives of department heads (any employees) should not be receiving bids from the city. Someone needs to be watching this. There needs to be more transparency to ensure that special favors are not being done.

Hours of Labor-Section 115
v  Needs to be a customer service or complaints department for the public.
v  Participant feels that the public has been side-stepped in the Charter. Election of the people who are drawing up the Charter should have been done by the people, not City Council. Requested changes in the Charter should be placed on the ballot so that the people can vote on what they want in the Charter.
v  Participant feels that something needs to be placed in the charter that would allow for citizens to have more information on incoming businesses within the city and allow citizens to have a say on whether these businesses should be allowed to do business in the city.
v  Participant feels that the public should have a stronger say so or rule in what goes into the Charter. The State Constitution gives allowances in putting together the Charter.

Major Concerns and Issues for the Charter
v  More Communication with Citizens
v  The creation of a Human Resources Department
v  Salaries
v  Transparency
v  Visibility & Accountability
v  Councilman & Wards reduction and time limits

Public Forum adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

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